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  • hmontini


    Heloise Montini is a content writer whose background in journalism make her an asset when researching and writing tech content. Also, her personal aspirations in creative writing and PC gaming make her articles on data storage and data recovery accessible for a wide audience.

    How to Recover Deleted Files: 7 Effective Solutions (2024 Guide)

    Accidentally deleting files or folders can potentially lead to the loss of valuable data and cause stress to users. Fortunately, there are seven solutions to rescue your files from the clutches of deletion. Whether you’re a rookie or an advanced Windows user, the diverse array of recovery methods covered in this guide ensures a comprehensive […]

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    Heloise Montini is a content writer whose background in journalism make her an asset when researching and writing tech content. Also, her personal aspirations in creative writing and PC gaming make her articles on data storage and data recovery accessible for a wide audience.

    Snow and Water-Damaged iPhone: A Data Recovery Guide

    Even if you are a careful user, your iPhone can still suffer accidents that can lead to data loss. From accidentally deleting your photos to software and hardware glitches, you may discover missing files. If your iPhone fell in the snow or on water, and it doesn’t have the waterproof feature, you can still save […]

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    Heloise Montini is a content writer whose background in journalism make her an asset when researching and writing tech content. Also, her personal aspirations in creative writing and PC gaming make her articles on data storage and data recovery accessible for a wide audience.

    SSD Data Recovery: DIY Solutions to Retrieve Lost Files

    Solid-state drives, or SSDs, are sleek and efficient storage devices found in laptops, desktops, and even gaming consoles. While they boast impressive performance benefits, these devices are not immune to data loss problems. Fortunately, data recovery software and services are available to save the day. Data recovery is the process of retrieving information that has […]

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    Heloise Montini is a content writer whose background in journalism make her an asset when researching and writing tech content. Also, her personal aspirations in creative writing and PC gaming make her articles on data storage and data recovery accessible for a wide audience.

    Data Recovery Software vs Professional Data Recovery Services

    Data loss is a challenge for both individuals and businesses alike. The loss of crucial data, whether due to accidental deletions, hardware failures, or malicious attacks, has significant consequences. Fortunately, data recovery presents two primary solutions: utilizing data recovery software and opting for professional data recovery services. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the […]

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    Heloise Montini is a content writer whose background in journalism make her an asset when researching and writing tech content. Also, her personal aspirations in creative writing and PC gaming make her articles on data storage and data recovery accessible for a wide audience.

    The Future of Data Recovery: How Canadian Businesses Benefit from Emerging Technologies

    The rapid advancements in technology have significantly transformed and enhanced data recovery processes, including in Canada. These technologies enable more accurate and proactive identification of potential issues, facilitating preventive measures to mitigate data loss. The significance of business and individual data lies in its multifaceted impact, ranging from sustaining business operations to safeguarding valuable assets. […]

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    Laura Pompeu

    Laura Pompeu

    With 10 years of experience in journalism, SEO & digital marketing, Laura Pompeu uses her skills and experience to manage (and sometimes write) content focused on technology and business strategies.


    Canadian Data Privacy Laws: How to Securely Store and Recover Data

    The most important asset of a business nowadays is its data. There are several tasks a company can’t perform without the right information. Plus, clients and personnel data are the type of resources cybercriminals aim for. That’s why data protection has become a paramount concern for individuals and businesses alike. With its robust privacy laws, […]

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    Laura Pompeu

    Laura Pompeu

    With 10 years of experience in journalism, SEO & digital marketing, Laura Pompeu uses her skills and experience to manage (and sometimes write) content focused on technology and business strategies.


    Data Recovery Resources: How to Retrieve Lost Files in Canada

    Data loss can be a nightmare, especially when it’s critical business data. Fortunately, there are several data recovery resources available so you can safely retrieve personal or business data in Canada. To help you streamline your data recovery process, we put together a list of Canadian data recovery resources, such as services, software, and tools […]

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